Category object - categories group products and can contain children categories as well
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Category {
- # An ID that uniquely identifies the category
- ID :
- # An ID that uniquely identifies the parent category
- ID :
- # An optional description of the category
- String :
- # The display name of the category
- String :
- # Is active category
- Boolean :
- # Category Path
- String :
- # Category path in store
- String :
- # The url key assigned to the category
- String :
- # The url path assigned to the category
- String :
- # The position of the category relative to other categories at the same level in
- # tree
- Int :
- # Indicates the depth of the category within the tree
- Int :
- # Timestamp indicating when the category was created
- DateTime :
- # Timestamp indicating when the category was updated
- DateTime :
- # The number of products in the category
- Int :
- # The attribute to use for sorting
- String :
- # Children category data
- Category] : [
- # Children category data
- Category] : [
- # Category children count
- Int :
- # Available sorting option for category
- String] : [
- # Include category to navigation menu
- Boolean :
- # Category display mode
- String :
- # Is filter avalaible in category
- Boolean :
- # Category page layout
- String :
- # Get the products assigned to this category
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: Identifies which product attributes to search for and
- # return.
- # search: Performs a full-text search using the specified key
- # words.
- # pageSize: Specifies the maximum number of results to return at
- # once. This attribute is optional.
- # currentPage: Specifies which page of results to return. The
- # default value is 1.
- # sort: Specifies which attribute to sort on, and whether to
- # return the results in ascending or descending order.
- # _sourceIncludes: Specifies which attribute we include in
- # result.
- # _sourceExcludes: Specifies which attribute we exclude in
- # result.
- (
- ProductFilterInput, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- Int, :
- ProductSortInput, :
- String], : [
- String] : [
- ): Products
- }
link Require by
- CategoriesThe Categories object is the top-level object returned in a category search
- CategoryCategory object - categories group products and can contain children categories as well
- ProductThe Product entity
- QueryThis is the root Query object - an entry point for `product`, `categories`, `reviews` and other queries