The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Int
link Require by
- AttributeAttribute contains the attribute_type of the specified attribute_code and entity_type
- BundleOptionA single option defined for bundle products
- BundleOptionLinkLink to the product
- CategoriesThe Categories object is the top-level object returned in a category search
- CategoryCategory object - categories group products and can contain children categories as well
- CmsBlockCMS block defines all CMS block information
- CmsHierarchyThe relation between CmsPages is set by CmsHierarchies
- CmsPageCMS page defines all CMS page information
- ConfigurableOptionProduct configurable option used for the cofnigurable products
- ConfigurableOptionValueOne single option available for given cofigurable option
- CustomAttributeMetadataCustomAttributeMetadata defines an array of attribute_codes and entity_types
- CustomOptionA single product custom option that can be configured before putting the product into the cart
- CustomOptionValueOne single option value for specific custom option
- MediaGalleryItemContains basic information about a product image or video.
- ProductThe Product entity
- QueryThis is the root Query object - an entry point for `product`, `categories`, `reviews` and other queries
- ReviewProduct review - related product review
- ReviewsProduct reviews - collection; revierws related to specific products
- SearchResultPageInfoSearchResultPageInfo provides navigation for the query response
- StockItemStock item assigned to the product
- TaxRateTax rate - a part of Tax Rule
- TaxRulesTax rules collection
- TotalCountInfoElastic7 inspired total count info